Thursday, October 16, 2014

2nd Party Pooper’s Pile of Nastiness. Deck Color Green. Legacy format

please visit the updated version of this deck here:
Creatures: 24
3 Ambush Viper                                      2 Deadly Recluse
2 Sedge Scorpion

1 Arbor Elf                                             1 Boreal Druid
1 Dryad Arbor (Land Creature)               2 Joraga Treespeaker
1 Llanowar Elves                                     3 Somberwald Sage

4 Gigantomancer                                      4 Mitotic Slime

Enchantment: 8
4 Gigantiform                                           4 Wild Growth

Instant/Sorcery: 8
3 Gelatinous Genesis                                   2 Naturalize
3 Wrap in Vigor

20 Forests

This deck isn't that that great.  It's just for fun!