Monday, May 6, 2019

CMDR - Cookin' with Commander Kamahl, Fist of Krosa

Land 363-5 Creature6+ Creature
Temple of the False GodDungrove ElderKamahl, Fist of Krosa
Reliquary TowerGlissa SunseakerVigor
34 forestsMolten-Tail MasticorePrimalcrux
Mwonulvi Beast TrackerElderscale Wurm
0-2 CreatureMitotic SlimeRampaging Baloths
Deadly RecluseMaster of the Wild HuntThopter Assembly
Gnarlwood DryadElvish PiperMyr Battlesphere
Thornweald ArcherHornet NestGigantomancer
Taunting ElfCourser of KruphixPrimordial Hydra
Ambush ViperDeranged HermitMoldgraf Monstrosity
Wasteland ViperMyoclothSoul of the Harvest
Narnum RenegadeTurntimber BasiliskEssence of the Wild
Elvish MysticHornet Queen
1-2 Enchantment3 Enchantment4-6 Enchantment
Cream of the CropAwakening ZoneGigantiform
Quest for RenewalBow of NyleaAsceticism
Primal RageBeastmaster AscensionPrimeval Bounty
Elfhame SanctuaryDense FoliageParallel Lives
Wild GrowthElemental Bond
BurgeoningEnchantress's Presence

PlaneswalkerArtifacts Instant/Sorceries
Garruk, Primal HunterSkullclampGreen Sun's Zenith
SpellbookHarvest Season
Sol RingTangle
Trailblazer's BootsOverwhelming Stampede
Black ViseBeast Within
Lifecrafter's BestiaryCollective Unconscious
Aether Vial
Infiltration Lens

This deck uses many enchantments. This is something that many decks have little defense against. Of course, there is Deglamer, Naturalize, Gleeful Sabotage, Back to Nature and a few cards that destroy all enchantments, but if you play it right, you shouldn't be playing all the enchantments in your hand anyway, because most players probably won't want to devote enough of deck to face an enchment deck.